Natural Health Chiropractic takes great pride in providing the finest chiropractic wellness care to our patients. We believe that by combining chiropractic adjustments with nutrition, exercise, and lifestyle changes that this will provide our patients with everything they need to aid in a speedy recovery, decrease chance of re-injury, and overall better health. By following our recommendations we believe patients symptoms will lessen and their overall quality of life will improve dramatically. Without a doubt we will lead them on the right track to optimal health.

Dr. Tyler Smith, D.C


Dr. Tyler Smith, D.C., graduated from Palmer College of Chiropractic in 2008 after graduating from the University of Wyoming with a B.S. Degree in Exercise and Sports Science and Health Promotion. Dr. Smith is also a National Strength and Conditioning Association Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist and Personal Trainer, Anti-Inflammatory diet advocate, and considers himself a quality of life expert and coach. Dr. Smith not only cares for patients through chiropractic care, but takes it to the next level with lifestyle evaluations, recommendations about exercise, diet, balance, posture, sleep, rest, hydration, and stress management. “Our patients are like another form of our extended family. NHC is a Wellness Clinic, we don’t just treat pain, we treat the whole person. We spend time with our patients, so much that you form quite a bond with them. You care about their health and well being even after they leave our offices front door. You guide them to make better decisions and hope that they apply that information to their everyday lifestyle choices. “My ultimate goal is to have my patients come into my office not complaining of pain and tension, but explaining to me what they have been able to accomplish (complete a 5k/marathon, play with grandchildren, lost 15 lbs), all because they have taken the right steps to take care of their spine and nervous system, prevent injury, and perform to the best of their ability”

Dr. Helen Kallis, D.C.


Dr. Helen Kallis, D.C., graduated from Palmer College of Chiropractic in 2007. Shortly after graduating she returned to San Juan, Puerto Rico to begin the process of opening her dream practice. In San Juan she could be close to her family, she would be close to many sports groups which she hoped to help train and achieve their health goals. Since the day she opened she emphasized her time in teaching her patients on how to be healthy, stay healthy, and how to avoid getting ill. She is a guest in many radio interviews, a guest speaker for many private and public organizations, volunteers her time assisting running groups in teaching proper techniques and adequate nutrition. “My ultimate goal is to educate, motivate, and inspire my patients to make lifestyle changes so they feel and function better, prevent problems in the future, and help them have a better quality of life.”

Isabelle Kallis Colón, Ph.D.


Isabelle Kallis Colón, Ph.D., earned her Ph.D and graduated Suma Cum Laude from Carlos Albizu University, which is accredited by the American Psychological Association, after graduating Cum Laude from Boston College’s undergraduate psychology program. Dr. Kallis Colón is also a Yoga teacher since 2008, certified by Samadhi Yoga Puerto Rico. Isabelle Kallis Colón has various poster presentations including one based on her thesis: The benefits of yoga and meditation for symptoms of anxiety and depression for drug abusing women in a rehabilitation program, which was presented at the 2009 American Psychological Association Conference. After graduating in 2008, she worked in the ASSMCA Crisis Hotline and later worked with children and adolescents in The School Department. In May 2009, she decided to open a private practice and joined Natural Health Chiropractic. Since she has been at Natural Health Chiropractic and Psychology she has participated in various radio shows and seminars with the Natural Health Chiropractic staff. Dr. Isabelle Kallis works directly with individuals at all developmental levels (infants to older adults), as well as couples, using a wide range of assessment and intervention methods to promote mental health and to alleviate discomfort.